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Polar 6 take off at Rothera Research Station Antarctica
16. March 2020
Press release

MOSAiC aerial survey campaigns for the atmosphere and sea ice temporarily suspended

On Thursday 12 March, the Norwegian government announced comprehensive measures to combat the spread of the corona virus, effective immediately. As a result, all travellers to Norway from non-Nordic countries who do not have a residence permit will most likely have to immediately leave the country again or be placed in quarantine for 14 days. In response, and due to the highly dynamic development of the corona pandemic, on Friday 13 March the MOSAiC project management decided to temporarily suspend the aerial survey campaigns planned for this spring and…
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07. March 2020
Short news

Positive test for Corona virus at AWI

As part of a preparatory course with future expedition participants at AWI Bremerhaven, an appropriate test was carried out on Thursday, March 5. Twenty expedition participants and six supervisors from Germany, Norway and the Netherlands took part in this course. A participant from Munich was tested positive. The participant was symptom-free. The city of Bremerhaven has published a press release.
06. March 2020
Online news

Website of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative shines in a new design

Attractive pictures, a clear menu and easily accessible information - this is how the new website of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative presents itself.
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Polar bear mom and cub visit the ice floe and check out flags and equipment next to Polarstern vessel. October 10, 2019, Esther Horvath
02. March 2020
Short news

Two curious polar bears on the polar night

Polar bears in the MOSAiC research camp: The jury of World Press Photo, the largest photo competition for press photography, found this photo “worthy of an award” and so AWI photographer Esther Horvath and her two polar bears were nominated in the “Environment” category. On April 16, the photographer learns whether her photo has won and will be touring 80 cities worldwide for one year as part of a travelling exhibition.
The icebreakers Kapitan Dranitysn and Polarstern in the Arctic ice
02. March 2020
Press release

Two New Records at the North Pole

For days, fast sea ice had slowed the progress of the resupply icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn; bound for the North Pole, her mission was to support the second exchange of researchers and crew in the MOSAiC expedition. Nevertheless, she steadily drew closer to her destination, and finally, at 12:20 pm (CET) on Friday, 28 February, dropped anchor 970 metres from Polarstern, moored to the same floe. While the handover is in full swing on the MOSAiC floe, in Russia another icebreaker will soon leave port in order to supply Kapitan Dranitsyn with additional…
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F.l. Pinar Atalay, Philipp Grieß, Markus Rex
28. February 2020
Short news

Outlook on MOSAiC documentation

The documentary film meeting "Top of the docs" gave a look at the highlights of ARD documentary on the edge of the Berlinale. One of the films presented will document the MOSAiC expedition. For this, film teams accompany the entire expedition for one year. The result will be broadcast on prime time in November 2020. Pinar Atalay spoke to expedition leader Markus Rex and filmmaker Philip Grieß about the course of the expedition and the shooting under the extreme conditions of the arctic winter.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Otto Pörtner, Co-Chair der IPCC Working Group II (WG II) und Leiter der Sektion Integrative Ökophysiologie am Alfred-Wegener-Institut in Bremerhaven.

Prof Dr. Hans-Otto Poertner, Co-Chair of the  IPCC Working Group II (WG II) located in Bremen, Germany, and head of the section Integrated Ecophysiology at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany.
27. February 2020
Online news

Hans-Otto Pörtner now a member of the European Academy of Sciences

Prof Hans-Otto Pörtner, Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II and Head of the Integrative Ecophysiology Section at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, has been selected as a new member of the European Academy of Sciences (EurASc). 
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Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting toward the poles
24. February 2020
Press release

Major wind-driven ocean currents are shifting toward the poles

In the course of the past 40 years, the major wind-driven current systems in the ocean have steadily shifted toward the poles. Experts at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), came to this conclusion after analysing long-term global satellite data on the ocean surface temperature and sea level height. Both datasets offer insights into the evolution of large-scale surface currents, and indicate that, in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere alike, the borders of the ocean gyres and their boundary currents are…
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The Itkillik River exposure in the Yedoma permafrost deposits of North Alaska in winter provides an impressive sight for the US-German snow machine team
18. February 2020
Press release

Increased greenhouse-gas emissions due to abrupt permafrost thaw

The permafrost regions of the Arctic, often referred to as nature’s iceboxes, contain tremendous amounts of carbon, mainly in the form of animal and vegetable matter accumulated in frozen soils over millennia. Yet microorganisms break down this matter as soon as the frozen soil begins to thaw, releasing the harmful greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide. An international team of researchers has now determined that rapid thaw processes have a significant influence on the amount and types of gases released but were not considered in permafrost…
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 The German research vessel Polarstern during an expedition into the central Arctic Ocean.
14. February 2020
Press release

Call for tender procedure for the construction of a successor to the icebreaker Polarstern has been cancelled.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) today cancelled the Europe-wide call for tenders for the procurement of a new polar research vessel, Polarstern II, for legal reasons. In times of unresolved climate issues, the research mission of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) can only be fulfilled in the long term with a modern icebreaker. This understanding is also shared by the BMBF. Therefore, we will work intensively with the BMBF to find a solution, which also aims to set up a new award…
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