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08. May 2019
Short news

Second REKLIM Conference: 23rd – 25th September 2019

The Helmholtz Climate Initiative „Regional Climate Change“ (REKLIM) invites to the 2nd International Conference „Our Climate - Our Future: Regional Perspectives on a Global Challenge“. Abstracts can be still submitted by May 31st.
Thermokarst-Lakes in Alaska
06. May 2019
Online news

The sleeping giant is waking

For years now, scientists have been investigating how the gradual thawing of near-surface permafrost, which takes place in the uppermost layers of Arctic soils and in the course of decades, will affect the release of previously frozen carbon to the atmosphere. Now an international team of researchers, including AWI researcher Prof Guido Grosse, has underscored the urgent nature of another phenomenon, which has only been sporadically investigated: the abrupt thawing of ice-rich permafrost, which can transform entire landscapes in only months of years…
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06. May 2019
Press release

Half of the coral reefs have already been lost

The oceans are virtually as important as land-based ecosystems for human beings. Further, since the changes taking place underwater are far less visible than those on land, it was all the more important that the IPBES pay due attention to the oceans in its Global Assessment report. In the following, we present a commentary by Julian Gutt, one of the report’s lead authors and a marine biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). 
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Antje Boetius and Melanie Bergmann at the German Norwegian Ocean Forum. (Photo: Lisa Grosfeld)
03. May 2019
Online news

Sustainable oceans as a shared responsibility

From the Arctic to the North Sea: this year’s German Norwegian Ocean Forum was held in Bremen’s Übersee Museum. The spotlight topic of the symposium, which was jointly organised by the AWI, Innovation Norway, and the Royal Norwegian Embassy, was ‘The sustainable future of our oceans’. AWI Director Antje Boetius moderated the event.
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The authors of the fourth chapter "Cross-cutting issues" of GEO-6. (Photo: UN Environment)
02. May 2019
Online news

AWI researcher is one of the lead authors of the UN Environment Programme

The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is generally considered to be the flagship of the UN’s Environment Programme. And AWI climate researcher Prof Peter Lemke has been a major contributor to it; he was selected as one of the lead authors for the sixth, recently released environment report (GEO-6 Report). 
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26. April 2019
Short news

From the Arctic to the North Sea

Today the German Norwegian Ocean Forum take place in Bremen. It is jointly organized by the Norwegian Embassy, Innovation Norway and the AWI. AWI director Antje Boetius guides through the program.
Watercolour painting: A healthy Alexandrium (right) and Alexandrium infected by the parasite Amoebophrya (left).
Aquarellbild eines gesunden Dinoflagellaten Alexandrium (links) und eines von Amoebophrya befallenen (rechts).
24. April 2019
Press release

Veritable powerhouses – even without DNA

Whether human beings or animals, plants or algae: the cells of most life forms contain special structures that are responsible for energy production. Referred to as mitochondria, they normally have their own genetic material, in addition to that found in the nucleus. Uwe John and colleagues at the Alfred Wegener Institute have now identified the first-ever exception to this rule in a single-celled parasite. The mitochondria of the dinoflagellate Amoebophrya ceratii appear to produce energy just like our own mitochondria, but without any genetic material,…
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Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius Director of Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research. (Photo: Esther Horvath)
24. April 2019
Online news

The Leibniz Ring goes to Antje Boetius

"Climate catastrophe, environmental pollution, and 'saving the oceans' are all interrelated issues. They concern, or should concern, everyone on this planet." - with these words, the selection committee explained its choice of recipient for the 2019 LeibnizRingHannover Award: AWI Director Prof Antje Boetius.
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Antje Boetius gave a lecture at the forum "10 Years Climate House" Photo: Wätjen / Klimahaus
24. April 2019
Short news

Antje Boetius speaks in the Klimahaus

In front of about 120 people, Antje Boetius talked about the influence of global warming on the polar regions in "Klimahaus Bremerhaven 8° Ost". She reported on expeditions and the direct consequences of accelerated climate change.
Grunsteinlegung AWI-Technikum. v.l.n.r.: Karsten Wurr (AWI Verwaltungsdirektor), Johannes Kister (ksg Architekten), Carsten Sieling, Präsident des Senats der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, Antje Boetius, AWI-Direktorin, Eva Quante-Brandt, Wissenschaftssenatorin Bremen, Melf Grantz Oberbürgermeister Bremen, Michael Meiste Staatssekretär BMBF, Hans Peter Willumsen, Johan Willumsen
18. April 2019
Press release

Groundbreaking Ceremony for the AWI Technical Centre

On Thursday, 18 April 2019 an official groundbreaking ceremony was held for a new Technical Centre for the development of innovative maritime technologies in Klußmannstraße, Bremerhaven. Representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal State of Bremen, and the City of Bremerhaven celebrated this milestone together with the Directorate and staff of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research.
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