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Symbolic shot: Scientist shoveling snow into the sack of the snowmelt.
16. August 2019
Online news

Stardust in the Antarctica

The rare isotope iron-60 is produced by huge star explosions. Only a small proportion comes from remote stars. Researchers have now discovered iron-60 in the Antarctic for the first time. They have been able to draw spectacular conclusions from their findings.
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Scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute use the board helicopter from the icebreaking research vessel Polarstern to collect snow samples. Even in the Arctic the snow is polluted with microplastics.
14. August 2019
Press release

Microplastic drifting down with the snow

Over the past several years, microplastic particles have repeatedly been detected in seawater, drinking water, and even in animals. But these minute particles are also transported by the atmosphere and subsequently washed out of the air, especially by snow – and even in such remote regions as the Arctic and the Alps. This was demonstrated in a study conducted by experts at the Alfred Wegener Institute and at the Swiss WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, recently published in the journal Science Advances.
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Das deutsche Forschungsschiff Polarstern in der zentralen Arktis, Aufnahme von der Sommer-Expedition 2015

The German research vessel Polarstern during an expedition into the central Arctic Ocean.
07. August 2019
Press release

Polarstern departs for the Arctic

On the evening of 10 August 2019, the research vessel Polarstern will leave her homeport in Bremerhaven. The purpose of the expedition is to conduct studies at a major long-term monitoring station in the Arctic: the AWI’s Hausgarten observatory in the Fram Strait, where experts from various disciplines are investigating all aspects of the ecosystem, from the water’s surface to the ocean depths, in order to determine the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Arctic. After roughly a month underway, in mid-September Polarstern will reach the…
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Antje Boetius at the award ceremony of the Cody Awards, in collaboration with deep-sea microbiologist Doug Bartlett.
30. July 2019
Online news

AWI Director honoured

The Cody Award recognizes outstanding scientific achievement in oceanography, ocean biosciences, and earth science. It is presented by Scripps Institution of Oceanography to a scientist who has made significant contributions to his or her field of science specialty. Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, now receives the award. The Cody Award, presented biennially, consists of a gold medal and $10,000.
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 The ad hoc statement "Climate Goals 2030" is intended to highlight socially acceptable and innovation-promoting emergency measures for climate protection.
24. July 2019
Online news

Climate targets for 2030: Avenues to a sustainable reduction in CO2 emissions

In the Paris Agreement of 2015, Germany and the global community agreed to limit anthropogenic global warming to less than 2°C. But that goal can only be reached if both national and international agreements are adhered to, effective immediately. Consequently, in the ad hoc statement “Climate targets for 2030: Avenues to a sustainable reduction in CO₂emissions”, the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina calls for an immediate transformation spurt and describes various climate protection measures that can quickly gain social acceptance and promote…
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A member of DRI’s ice core research team extracts an ice core from the Greenland Ice Sheet.
09. July 2019
Online news

Traces in the ice

How did events like the Black Death plague impact the economy of Medieval Europe? Particles of lead trapped deep in Arctic ice can tell us: Commercial and industrial processes have emitted lead into the atmosphere for thousands of years, from the mining and smelting of silver ores to make currency for ancient Rome to the burning of fossil fuels today. This lead pollution travels on wind currents through the atmosphere, eventually settling on places like the ice sheet in Greenland and other parts of the Arctic. Scientists from the Alfred Wegener…
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Water sampling and work supporting the underwater light measurements of the 2019 Coastal Summer School on research vessel Heincke.
05. July 2019
Online news

International Summer School

In the 18th Coastal Summer School 16 young scientists from nine nations visiting the North Sea island Helgoland for eleven days. The aim of the project is to deepen their knowledge of coastal phytoplankton research.
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05. July 2019
Short news

AWI photographic works are exhibited in Italy

Everydayclimatechange: In the photo exhibition, from the 5.7 to 18.8, four AWI photos will be shown in Orbetello, Italy. The work documents the AWI climate research in the polar regions.
Expeditionsteilnehmer mit dem Kranzwasserschöpfer, der neben Probennahmegefäßen für Meerwasser auch Sensoren für die Bestimmung physikalischer Messgrößen liefert.
28. June 2019
Press release

Young people share what they have learned with the world

This coming Saturday, 29 June 2019, 33 young scientists from around the globe will be celebrating their graduation at the Alfred Wegener Institute. Ten scholarship holders have come to the end of a 10-month programme, and 23 young people have completed an exciting month-long expedition.
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Polarstern in der Ferne, aufgenommen bei einer Eisstation der Meereisgruppe auf der Expedition PS118 ins westliche Weddellmeer, Antarktis.
27. June 2019
Press release

Antarctic season ends this weekend

After half a year in the Southern Hemisphere, the research icebreaker Polarstern will soon return to her homeport, Bremerhaven. Following a season of work focusing on sea ice, the icebreaker will now be prepared for her next challenge: the greatest Arctic research expedition of all time, which will begin this September.
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