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15. November 2007
Press release

Tsunami-recording in the deep sea - Data transfer for tsunami early warning system successfully tested

In order to extend alert times and avoid false alarms, a new seafloor pressure recording system has been designed to detect tsunamis shortly after their development in the open ocean. The project is directed by scientists of the working group ‘Marine Observation Systems’ at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, part of the Helmholtz Association.
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24. October 2007
Press release

Change at the helm of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven: Karin Lochte takes over from Jörn Thiede

On October 31, 2007, Prof Dr Jörn Thiede will hand over the directorship of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, part of the Helmholtz Association, to Prof Dr Karin Lochte, a biologist currently with the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel. Thiede will continue his involvement with the Alfred Wegener Institute, especially in his capacity on the planning committee of the European research icebreaker Aurora Borealis.
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13. September 2007
Press release

The sea-ice is getting thinner – A closer look at the climate and ecosystem of the Arctic Ocean

Large areas of the Arctic sea-ice are only one metre thick this year, equating to an approximate 50 percent thinning as compared to the year 2001. These are the initial results from the latest Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association lead expedition to the North Polar Sea.
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03. September 2007
Press release

New German Antarctic station Neumayer Station III and new research aircraft POLAR 5

The Federal research minister, Dr. Annette Schavan takes a look at the building of the new German Antarctic station Neumayer-Station III and the new research aircraft Polar 5.
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23. August 2007
Press release

Unique opportunity for polar enthusiasts – at September 8th, the new German Antarctic research station will be displayed to the public in Bremerhaven

The new research station Neumayer Station III of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association is currently under construction by the consortium J.H. Kramer Stahlbau and Kaefer Isoliertechnik in Bremerhaven. Named by the German polar researcher Georg von Neumayer (1826-1909), Neumayer Station III will allow continuing German research in the Antarctic for the next 25 to 30 years.
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18. July 2007
Press release

By ice floe to the North Pole

An eight-month voyage through the Arctic Ocean, without ship or travel route: the North Pole drifting station NP-35 represents an unusual project of the International Polar Year
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02. July 2007
Press release

900,000 Euros for the Earth System Research PhD training program in Bremerhaven and Bremen

The Helmholtz Association has granted 300,000 euros yearly, over a total of 3 years, for the training of young scientists in Bremerhaven and Bremen.
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18. June 2007
Press release

JAGO and Polarstern, an unbeatable team on a coldwater coral expedition in Arctic ocean

Deutschlands kleinstes Forschungsschiff, das bemannte Tauchboot JAGO des Leibniz-Instituts für Meereswissenschaften (IFM-GEOMAR) in Kiel hat auf seinem 1000-sten Tauchgang das Röst-Riff besucht. Es ist das größte bisher bekannte Kaltwasserkorallen-Riff südlich der norwegischen Lofoten-Inseln und liegt 350 Meter unter der Meeresoberfläche. Die Wissenschaftler untersuchen mit Hilfe des Tauchbootes die geologischen Strukturen im Untergrund der Riffe.
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30. May 2007
Press release

How far can we go in manipulating the oceans to reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere?

The Alfred Wegener Institute and the European Network of Excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis EUR-OCEANS invite to a joint press conference to discuss those issues with a panel of scientists and attend the launch of a short film done for the general public by the EUR-OCEANS Outreach Team.
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24. May 2007
Press release

Departure to cold water corals and other „hot spots“

With a new coat of paint, thorough ship inspection, and sailing under the flag of the Helmholtz Association, Polarstern begins to make its way toward the north on May 29. The flagship of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), is initially heading to Northern Norway and then on to Spitsbergen during its 22nd Arctic expedition.
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