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29. November 2010
Press release

Putin supports Samoylov Station: Millions in funding for expansion of German-Russian cooperation in Lena Delta

He came, saw and acted promptly: Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was so impressed by the work of scientists in the Siberian permafrost region during his visit to the Samoylov Station at the end of August that he wants to actively support the German-Russian cooperation in the Lena Delta initiated many years ago.
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15. November 2010
Press release

German Council of Science and Humanities recommends Building of Polarstern II

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research welcomes the recommendation of the Council of Science and Humanities to build a new research icebreaker, Polarstern II.
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09. November 2010
Press release

How much carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere if the mineral olivine is increasingly decomposed on land?

Artificially accelerated weathering of the mineral olivine may increasingly remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and counteract ocean acidification.
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04. November 2010
Press release

German-Russian Otto Schmidt Laboratory in St. Petersburg funded for another three years

Successful German-Russian cooperation will be continued: Prof. Karin Lochte, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in the Helmholtz Association, and Prof. Ivan Frolov, Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), signed an agreement for continuation of the Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research (OSL) for another three years. Signature of the agreement took place at the end of October at the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences IfM-Geomar in Kiel where the Scientific Advisory Board…
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01. November 2010
Press release

Federal Ministry of Education and Research finances new polar aircraft for use in the Arctic and Antarctic

The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) is financing a new aircraft for research purposes: “Polar 6” will reinforce the scientific and logistic operations of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association in the polar regions starting autumn 2011.
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22. October 2010
Press release

Research vessel Polarstern launches expedition to Antarctic summer – focus on impacts of climate change on oceanic currents, animal and plant world

The research vessel Polarstern sets off on its 27th Antarctic expedition on coming Monday, 25 October. The voyage will consist of four legs separated by port calls in Cape Town (South Africa), Punta Arenas (Chile) and back to Cape Town. The scientific focal points of the expedition are atmospheric research, oceanography and biology. In addition, the ship will bring supplies to Neumayer Station III, the Dallmann laboratory and the British Rothera station during the expedition. Over 180 researchers from institutes in 15 countries are taking part in the…
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11. October 2010
Press release

Research vessel Polarstern ends 25th Arctic expedition – Successful research in marine regions between Spitsbergen, Greenland and Canada

The research vessel Polarstern returned to Bremerhaven from a four-month expedition on Saturday, 9 October. On its 25th mission in the Arctic the ship covered a total of around 16,620 nautical miles (corresponding to about 30,780 kilometres). The focus of the three legs was on oceanographic, biological and geoscientific studies. Over 120 scientists and technicians from institutes in six nations took part in the expedition.
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27. September 2010
Press release

Oceans acidify much faster than ever before in Earth’s history

For four days the topic of ocean acidification will be the focus of marine and polar research. The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Hemholtz Association is hosting the conference and expects more than 200 scientists from all over Europe at the Conference Center Bremerhaven.
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21. September 2010
Press release

Helgoland strengthened as location for marine research - AWI Centre for Scientific Diving opened after complete revamping

Bigger, more attractive and geared to the relevant scientific requirements: the Centre for Scientific Diving of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research at the Biological Institute Helgoland.
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20. August 2010
Press release

Is the ice in the Arctic Ocean getting thinner and thinner? Research aircraft Polar 5 measures thickness of sea ice north of Greenland

The extent of the sea ice in the Arctic will reach its annual minimum in September. Forecasts indicate that it will not be as low as in 2007, the year of the smallest area covered by sea ice since satellites started recording such data. Nevertheless, sea ice physicists at the Alfred Wegener Institute are concerned about the long-term equilibrium in the Arctic Ocean. They have indications that the mass of sea ice is dwindling because its thickness is declining.Around a third to half of the freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean takes place in this way –…
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