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21. October 2019
Online news

Tiny fossils reveal 25,000 years of carbon history in the Southern Ocean

A reconstruction of 25,000 years of South Ocean carbon chemistry, using micro-fossils buried in sediments, shows sub-Antarctic waters have played a key role in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Chemical changes measured in micro-fossil shells, as well as sediments, showed that different regions of the Southern Ocean varied in terms of their circulation, chemistry and biological productivity during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. This resulted in regional variations in the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2)…
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18. October 2019
Online news

Negotiations on an MPA in the Weddell Sea

At this year’s annual meeting, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) will continue its negotiations regarding the establishment of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) in the Weddell Sea. Experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute were instrumental in preparing the application for the European Union (EU), which was submitted in 2016. In addition to the EU and its Member States, Norway has since joined as a co-supporter.
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Distributed Network successfully deployed.
16. October 2019
Online news

Distributed Network successfully deployed

One central task during the first phase of MOSAiC has been completed. Supported by the highly experienced crew and the not less experienced pilots of the MI-8 helicopters, an international team of scientists onboard Akademik Fedorov successfully deployed the so-called Distributed Network. This is the complex system of buoys and measurement instruments that is now drifting in the environs of the central observatory Polarstern in a distance of up to 50 kilometres. 
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14. October 2019
Short news

„Session Arctic Tipping Points“ at Arctic Circle Conference

Stefan Rahmstorf, Antje Boetius and Halldor Björnsson talk about physical and ecological tipping points and the urgent need of climate protection to avoid them.
Antje Boetius bei Podiumsdiskussion "WE ARE OCEAN"
09. October 2019
Online news

Art for the Protection of the Seas

AWI Director Antje Boetius participated in a panel discussion in the context of the art project WE ARE OCEAN in Berlin on 2 October. Together with Sebastian Unger (IASS Potsdam), she spoke about climate change and sea-level rise.
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Polarstern arrives at a potent ice floe. After comprehensive measurements, the involved scientists decided it to be the MOSAiC ice floe, with the location 85°N 137E. September 30, 2019
04. October 2019
Press release

A fortress of ice and snow

After only a few days of searching, experts from the MOSAiC expedition have now found a suitable ice floe, where they will set up the research camp for their one-year-long drift through the Arctic Ocean. Consequently, one of the most important milestones in the expedition has been reached ahead of schedule, and before the Polar Night falls. Nevertheless, the search, which involved satellite imagery, two icebreakers, helicopter flights and scouting missions on the surface of the ice, was an enormous challenge – partly because, after the warm summer, there…
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02. October 2019
Online news

Antje Boetius receives the Federal Cross of Merit

On 2 October, AWI Director Prof Antje Boetius officially received the Federal Cross of Merit. At the event, Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier commended her commitment to preserving the oceans and combating the on-going destruction of the environment.
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AWI Director Antje Boetius
30. September 2019
Short news

Antje Boetius speaks at the Marine Regions Forum

From 30th September until 2nd October, the Marine Regions Forum takes place in Berlin. AWI Director Antje Boetius will open the conference with a podium discussion, among others with Klaus Töpfer, on "Achieving healthy oceans - Challenges and opportunities".
Icebergs in the bay of Rothera. Photo: Robert Ricken, Alfred-Wegener-Institut

Fotos von der Polar 6-Kampagne an der Antarktischen Halbinsel im November 2013; Meereisdickenmessungen ueber der Bellinghausensee;  Start und Landungen an der britischen Forschungsstation Rothera;
Flüge für das Projekt AMASIM (Airborne Measurements for Antarctic Sea Ice Monitoring), ein Teil des Profils war entlang einer Überflugbahn des CryoSat-2 Satelliten angelegt. Ziel der Vergleichsflüge ist es, Algorithmen zur verbesserten Auswertung der CryoSat-2 Daten aus den höher auflösenden flugzeuggestützten Messungen zu erarbeiten.

photos from the Polar 6 flight campaign in November 2013; location: Antarctic Peninsula, main base: research station Rothera (UK); campaigns: sea ice thickness measurements across the Bellinghausen sea (Project: AMASIM - Airborne Measurements for Antarctic Sea Ice Monitoring; validation for CryoSat2; flight across the Larsen shelf ice.
25. September 2019
Press release

The pressure to take action is enormous

Today, in Monaco, the IPCC will present its new Special Report on the ocean and the Earth’s frozen regions. The report summarises observations of and projections on climate-based changes to ecosystems in the ocean, coastal, polar and alpine regions, describes the likely impacts of these changes for society, and presents a range of options for adaptation. Over the past three years, 104 researchers from 36 countries have contributed to the report. In the statements below, Prof Hans-Otto Pörtner, Co-Chair of the IPCC’s Working Group II, and AWI Director…
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24. September 2019
Short news

Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate approved

The IPCC plenary in Monaco concludes today with the approval of the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SCROCC). More information.