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Young Arctic sea ice. This image was taken with the IceCam, installed in the hull of the EM-Bird, the AWI sea ice thickness measuring sensor, which in pulled underneath a helicopter above the sea ice to measure its thickness. The camera points vertically downwards and takes photos of the area directly underneath the bird.
18. July 2018
Online news

Six German-Russian research groups receive three-year funding

The new German-Russian funding programme "Helmholtz-RSF Joint Research Groups" has completed its second selection round. The Helmholtz Association and the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) have selected six further Joint Research Groups, including one with participation of the Alfred Wegener Institute.
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16. July 2018
Press release

Beavers are changing the face of the Arctic

Beavers are highly effective ecosystem engineers: if a given landscape isn’t quite to their liking, they simply rearrange the terrain. And that’s what they’ve been doing for millennia in the temperate latitudes. But now they’re expanding their territory, and can increasingly be found in the North American Arctic. A German-American research team recently investigated the ramifications of this development. According to their findings, the animals could change entire ecosystems and contribute to the thawing of permafrost soils, as they report in the journal…
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Iceberg in front the antarctic peninsula
11. July 2018
Press release

Melting triggers melting

The melting of glaciers on one side of the globe can trigger disintegration of glaciers on the other side of the globe, as has been presented in a recent paper by a team of AWI scientists, who investigated marine microalgae preserved in glacial deposits and subsequently used their findings to perform climate simulations. The study highlights a process with alerting consequences for modern ice sheets: continuous warming of the ocean can result in a massive loss of polar ice mass, and consequently to rapid sea level rise.
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Eine Verankerung liegt einsatzbereit an Bord des Forschungsschiffes Polarstern. 

A ready-to-go mooring is laying onboard the German reseach vessel Polarstern. 

Fotos von der Polarstern-Expedition ARK-XXVII-1 im Sommer 2012 (14. Juni - 15. Juli 2012, Bremerhaven-Longyearbyen); 

Ozeanografie: Projekt ACOBAR - Messung von Salzgehalt, Sauerstoff und Wassertemperatur an 80 Stationen entlang eines Schnittes bei 78°50' N;

Biologie: Netzfänge und Sedimentprobennahme an den Stationen; Amphipoden-Untersuchungen (PECABO); Beobachtungen von Seevögeln und Meeressäugern; 


Photo taken by Sebastian Menze during the Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVII-1 in summer 2012 into the Fram Strait, duration: 14th June - 15th July 2012
06. July 2018
Press release

Research icebreaker Polarstern departs for the Fram Strait

On Tuesday, 10 July 2018 the research icebreaker Polarstern will leave its homeport in Bremerhaven, headed for the Arctic. The main focus of the journey will be on long-term oceanographic measurements and biological research in the water column and on the seafloor of the Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard.
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Das Organisationsteam des Silbersalz Festivals mit AWI-Direktorin Antje Boetius (3. v.r.).
28. June 2018
Online news

Experiencing Science

This Thursday the SILBERSALZ Festival starts in Halle. For four days everything revolves around film screenings, virtual reality, apps and live performances on various scientific issues.
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AWI sea-ice physicists are working on the sea ice, while the wind is acclerating and the snow drift is increasing.
27. June 2018
Press release

An entire year trapped in the Arctic ice

It could be the largest-scale Arctic research expedition of all time: in September 2019 the German research icebreaker Polarstern will depart from Tromsø, Norway and, once it has reached its destination, will spend the next year drifting through the Arctic Ocean, trapped in the ice. A total of 600 people from 17 countries, who will be supplied by other icebreakers and aircraft, will participate in the expedition – and several times that number of researchers will subsequently use the data gathered to take climate and ecosystem research to the next level.…
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Polarstern nahe eines Eisbergs in der Pine Island Bucht.
15. June 2018
Press release

Why the tongue of the Pine Island Glacier suddenly shrank

The Pine Island Glacier in Western Antarctica is not only one of the fastest-flowing ice streams in the Southern Hemisphere; over the past eleven years, four major icebergs have calved from its floating tongue. In February 2017, researchers on board the German research icebreaker Polarstern successfully mapped an area of seafloor previously covered by shelf ice. A comparison of these new maps with satellite images of the ice stream reveals why the glacier suddenly retreated toward the coast: at important points, it had lost contact with the ground, as…
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Beitrag des antarktischen Eispanzers zum Meeresspiegelanstieg (Grafik: IMBIE/Planetary Visions)
13. June 2018
Press release

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise

The findings are from a major climate assessment known as the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE), and are published today in Nature. It is the most complete picture of Antarctic ice sheet change to date - 84 scientists from 44 international organisations combined 24 satellite surveys to produce the assessment.
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[Translate to English:] Eine neue Initiative der Vereinten Nationen will für einen besseren Schutz der Meere und Ozeane sorgen.
08. June 2018
Online news

AWI Director Antje Boetius advises United Nations initiative

The seas and oceans are climate machines, living and economic areas at the same time. They supply raw materials and food, serve as transport routes and recreational areas. But this space is also under threat: from littering and overfishing to global warming. To protect the oceans, the United Nations (UN) celebrates World Oceans Day on 8 June each year.
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Krilllarven unter dem Meereis des Weddellmeeres
07. June 2018
Press release

How is the ecosystem around the Antarctic Peninsula changing?

In the autumn, the waters surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula were still home to large quantities of krill and salps, ready to spawn. Thanks to warmer water temperatures, the ice formation began later in the year, as a result of which single-celled algae, the chief food source for these organisms, were available in higher concentrations. How life in the Southern Ocean will adapt to such changes was a central topic during this year’s Antarctic season on board the research vessel Polarstern, which will end when, on Monday 11 June 2018, the ship returns to…
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