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22. July 2008
Press release

International Honour for Permafrost Research in Potsdam - The International Permafrost Association elects Prof. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten as its New President

The head of the Research Unit Potsdam of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association, Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten, is the new president of the International Permafrost Association IPA. His appointment took place at the 9th International Conference on Permafrost in Fairbanks, Alaska. Prof. Hubberten will lead the International Permafrost Association for the next four years. During his term in office he will coordinate, among other things, the analysis of the scientific results of the International Polar…
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09. July 2008
Press release

A world novelty for an improved Tsunami Early Warning - Alfred Wegener Institute hands over simulation program for a German-Indonesian Early Warning System

After completing their simulation component in the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (GITEWS), the team for tsunami modelling of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association has presented the currently leading software system for tsunami events with the potential for catastrophe.
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04. July 2008
Press release

How will the Arctic sea ice cover develop this summer? – Climate scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute present their own prognosis for the first time

The ice cover in the Arctic Ocean at the end of summer 2008 will lie, with almost 100 per cent probability, below that of the year 2005 – the year with the second lowest sea ice extent ever measured. Chances of an equally low value as in the extreme conditions of the year 2007 lie around eight per cent. Climate scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association come to this conclusion in a recent model calculation.
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03. July 2008
Press release

From the mountains to the coast – The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research based in Bremerhaven inherits the World Radiation Monitoring Center, Switzerland

The international archive for radiation data, the World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC), provides climate research with high-precision meteorological series of measurements. After a term of fifteen years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association ensures the successful continuity and enhancements of this unique archive.
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25. June 2008
Press release

Fire under the ice - International expedition discovers gigantic volcanic eruption in the Arctic Ocean

For the first time an international team of scientists was able to provide evidence of explosive volcanism in the deeps of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. Researchers from an expedition to the Gakkel Ridge report in the current issue of the journal Nature that they discovered extensive layers of volcanic ash on the seafloor, indicating a gigantic volcanic eruption.
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25. June 2008
Press release

International Award for Information Technology Goes to Research Institutions in the German Federal State of Bremen for the Data Library PANGAEA®

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) received the 21st Century Achievement Award of the Computerworld Honors Program in the category Environment, which is one of the most prestigious awards in information technology.
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09. June 2008
Press release

On their way into the Arctic and to the Orkney Islands – research vessels Polarstern and Heincke start their expeditions

Research ice breaker Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research of the Helmholtz Association puts out to the Arctic on June 12th after three weeks in the dockyards. The expedition of four months length is divided into three stages and leads via the Greenland Sea to Spitsbergen and up to the Fram Strait. The journey through the Northwest Passage up to the East Siberian Sea is planned as the third stage. Two days earlier, on June 10th, the research vessel Heincke leaves the island of Helgoland towards the Orkney Islands.…
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26. May 2008
Press release

EPOCA: Ocean Acidification and its Consequences on Ecosystems

The European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA) will be launched on 10 June 2008. Its goal is to document ocean acidification, investigate its impact on biological processes, predict its consequences over the next 100 years, and advise policy-makers on potential thresholds or tipping points that should not be exceeded.
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21. April 2008
Press release

The Antarctic deep sea gets colder - RV Polarstern finished first Antarctic field season within the International Polar Year

The Antarctic deep sea gets colder, which might stimulate the circulation of the oceanic water masses. This is the first result of the Polarstern expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association that has just ended in Punta Arenas/Chile.
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16. April 2008
Press release

Methane sources over the last 30,000 years – New insights into natural changes in atmospheric methane concentrations

Ice cores are essential for climate research, because they represent the only archive which allows direct measurements of atmospheric composition and greenhouse gas concentrations in the past. Using novel isotopic studies, scientists from the European Project for Ice Coring In Antarctica (EPICA) were now able to identify the most important processes responsible for changes in natural methane concentrations over the transition from the last ice age into our warm period. The study now published in the scientific magazine nature shows that wetland regions…
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