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[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Jörn Thiede
14. April 2021
Online news

Happy Birthday, Jörn Thiede!

The German polar and marine research community pays him high respect and tribute. Prof. Dr Jörn Thiede, founding director of today's GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and long-time director of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, celebrates his 80th birthday today. Due to Corona, instead of a large festive event with many guests, many companions sent him their birthday wishes in personal video messages.
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[Translate to English:] Granaten
12. April 2021
Online news

Sunken ammunition: danger with long-term effects

Stormy weather and strict hygiene regulations put the science crew to the test. After a delay of almost two days due to weather conditions and several days of scheduled quarantine, the captain of the HEINCKE gave the command "cast off" on Thursday morning and set course for Helgoland. The research team of the "North Sea Wrecks" project collected samples around the wreck of the warship SMS MAINZ off the North Sea island. They will be used to investigate the extent to which the ship from the First World War, which was sunk together with its ammunition,…
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Manganese nodule
06. April 2021
Press release

Assessing the Impacts of Nodule Mining on the Deep-Sea Environment

Scientists of the JPI Oceans project “MiningImpact” are embarking on a 6-week expedition to the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) in the Pacific. Their goal is to carry out independent scientific monitoring of the test of a pre-prototype nodule collector machine conducted in parallel from a second vessel by the Belgian company Global Sea Mineral Resources (GSR). “MiningImpact” fully adheres to good scientific practice and all data will be made publicly available. The findings of this integrated impact analysis will be transferred into…
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Michael Gutsche und Antje Boetius vor einem Foto
31. March 2021
Short news

Photographs from the Arctic

Michael Gutsche has given the AWI three large-format photos on permanent loan. The photographer took the impressive nature photos during the Arctic expedition "MOSAiC". Together with AWI director Antje Boetius, Gutsche unveiled the photos at the institute's location in Bremerhaven. There they now adorn the walls in the foyer of building E and in the entrance area of buildings A / B / C. The images show, among other things, how quickly the weather conditions in the Arctic can change and how fragile this ecosystem is.
Mark Tolentino
25. March 2021
Online news

“Face-to-face” Teaching at Last

Every year, ten international scholarship holders from all corners of the globe come to the Alfred Wegener Institute’s two island-based sites. The POGO-Nippon Foundation Centre of Excellence trains them to become oceanography experts. 
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[Translate to English:] Niedrigwasser der Elbe in Dresden.
19. March 2021
Press release

Droughts in Germany could become more extreme

In the future, droughts could be even more severe than those that struck parts of Germany in 2018. An analysis of climate data from the last millennium shows that several factors have to coincide to produce a megadrought: not only rising temperatures, but also the amount of solar radiation, as well as certain meteorological and ocean-circulation conditions in the North Atlantic, like those expected to arise in the future. A group of researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute have just released their findings in the journal Communications Earth &…
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Screenshot of a video conference
19. March 2021
Short news

MOSAiC Expedition Briefing for the Arctic Council

MOSAiC expedition leader Markus Rex informed the Arctic Council about the Arctic drift expedition and presented the first results. The Arctic Council is the leading cross-national forum for the Arctic. Germany has observer status in the Arctic Council and is represented by the Foreign Office. Senior Arctic Official Chair, Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson, thanked Markus Rex for his presentation and congratulated Germany and all other nations involved in this historic expedition.  
[Translate to English:] Polarstern in the smallest gap called "foxhole" between iceberg A74 (right) and Brunt Ice Shelf (left). Look to direction out of the foxhole, in which Polarstern manoevered after station work. 

Polarstern in der "Fuchsbau" getauften schmalsten Stelle zwischen Eisberg A74 (rechts) und Brunt-Schelfeis (links). Blick in die Richtung Ausgang des "Fuchsbaus", in die das Schiff nach Beendigung der Stationsarbeit weiter gefahren ist.
17. March 2021
Press release

Polarstern expedition investigates massive calved iceberg

Roughly two weeks ago, a massive iceberg calved from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. As the only research vessel nearby, the Polarstern took the opportunity to enter the area between the iceberg and the Brunt Ice Shelf. The first images from the seafloor reveal an amazing level of biodiversity in a region that was covered by thick ice for decades. The sediment samples gathered are expected to provide more detailed insights into the ecosystem, while a geochemical analysis of the water samples collected will allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the nutrient…
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AWI director Antje Boetius
16. March 2021
Short news

Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 21

The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD) is an international forum for actors in the energy sector. High-ranking decision-makers from politics, industry, science and civil society have the opportunity to exchange their experiences and ideas on a safe, affordable and environmentally friendly global energy transition. AWI Director Antje Boetius will speak at this year's online conference as a podium guest on March 16 from 7.30 p.m. The event will be streamed online.
[Translate to English:] Mikroskopaufnahme von Ethylen-Propylen-Dien-Kautschuk-Partikeln (EPDM). Dieser Kunststoff wird viel in der Industrie genutzt, beispielsweise für Dichtungen in Wasseramaturen, für Kabelummantelungen, zur Abdichtung von Dächern und Fassaden oder im Bau von Autos und Geräten. Die drei abgebildeten Partikel gehören zu den größten gefundenen Partikeln und sind etwa 700 bis 1000 Mikrometer lang. 
Microscope images of ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM) particles. This plastic is used a lot in industry, for example for seals in water armatures, for cable sheathing, for sealing roofs and facades or in the construction of cars and appliances. The three particles shown are the largest particles and are about 700 to 1000 micrometres long.
10. March 2021
Online news

Microplastics in the Elbe River

A team of scientists under the direction of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht – Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (HZG) has detected numerous microplastic particles in the Elbe waters near Cuxhaven. The researchers found 200 to 2100 microplastic particles per cubic meter of water. To better interpret the results of their measurements and their large range as well as to enable the scientists to make comparisons with future studies, the team demonstrated for the first time in the field of microplastics research how the guidelines of the…
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