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Wissenschaftler des Helmholtz-Programms MOSES beproben die Nordsee zwischen Cuxhaven/Büsum und Helgoland.
16. April 2019
Press release

Three research vessels – one mission

Based on global forecasts, storm events accompanied by heavy rainfall and flooding will occur 10 to 20 percent more frequently by the end of this century. Moreover, they and extreme low-water phases will produce a tremendous amount of damage, not to mention both socio-economic and ecological impacts. In order to better understand those impacts, on 16 and 17 April 2019 three research ships in the Helmholtz programme MOSES will undertake a joint research cruise from the Elbe estuary to Helgoland. 
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15. April 2019
Online news

What Earth's gravity reveals about climate change

On March 17, 2002, the German-US satellite duo GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) were launched to map the global gravitational field with unprecedented precision. After all, the mission lasted a good 15 years - more than three times as long as expected. When the two satellites burnt up in the Earth's atmosphere at the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018, respectively, they had recorded the Earth's gravitational field and its changes over time in more than 160 months.
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Blick von der Polarstern auf den aktiven Stratovulkan der Saunders Insel (Süd-Sandwich Vulkanbogen). vdl
11. April 2019
Online news

ROV in Antarctic waters

Where the Earth’s plates meet, there is evidence of their motion. An expedition of the Research Vessel Polarstern will explore this activity in the Southern Ocean in detail. The major focus of the expedition led by scientists from MARUM is to examine hot vents and cold seeps. This will be the first deployment of the remotely operated vehicle MARUM-QUEST in the Antarctic region. The start of the expedition is scheduled for 13 April 2019.
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Round thread ice-core-drill coupling with tool on the outside and a piece of compacted ice chips inside during a field test close to the EGRIP Camp in Greenland
09. April 2019
Press release

Retrieving Climate History from the Ice

In the context of a major European Union project, experts from 14 institutions in ten European countries have spent three years combing the Antarctic ice, looking for the ideal site to investigate the climate history of the past 1.5 million years. Today, the consortium Beyond EPICA – Oldest Ice (BE-OI), led by Olaf Eisen from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in Bremerhaven, presented its findings at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union in Vienna.
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[Translate to English:] Fig1_SatelliteImage_Polynya_Sentinel_de.jpg
02. April 2019
Press release

The Transpolar Drift is faltering – and sea ice is now melting before it can leave the nursery

The dramatic loss of ice in the Arctic is influencing sea-ice transport across the Arctic Ocean. As experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research report in a new study, today only 20 percent of the sea ice that forms in the shallow Russian marginal seas of the Arctic Ocean actually reaches the Central Arctic, where it joins the Transpolar Drift; the remaining 80 percent of the young ice melts before it has a chance to leave its ‘nursery’. Before 2000, that number was only 50 percent. According to the…
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AWI Director Antje Boetius gave the keynote speech at the Polar Symposium in Lisbon
26. March 2019
Short news

Polar research and Europe: new challenges and opportunities

The symposium in Lisbon was attended by high-ranking representatives of the Portuguese funding organisation and the University of Lisbon. Representatives from all over Europe and the European Commission were also present. AWI Director Antje Boetius gave the keynote speech.
Kirstin Meyer (l) und Melanie Bergmann sammeln Organismen von dem Stahlrahmen, der nach 18 Jahren am Grund der akrtischen Tiefsee mit dem Forschungsschiff Polarstern wieder geborgen wurde.
21. March 2019
Press release

Colonisation in Slow Motion

There is a wide variety of animals living on the Arctic seabed. Attached to rocks, they feed by removing nutrients from the water using filters or tentacles. But it can take decades for these colonies to become established, and they probably don’t achieve their natural diversity until much later. These are the findings of a unique 18-year study by researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), which has now been published in the scientific journal “Limnology and Oceanography”.
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20. March 2019
Short news

ICES Service Award to AWI Biologist Jennifer Dannheim

The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) honors Jennifer Dannheim with the ICES Service Award for her work as Chair of the Working Group on Marine Benthal and Renewable Energy Developments (WGMBRED).
15. March 2019
Online news

Ocean sink for man-made CO2 measured

Not all of the CO2 generated during the combustion of fossil fuels remains in the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. The ocean and the ecosystems on land take up considerable quantities of these man-made CO₂ emissions from the atmosphere. Without this sink, the concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere and the extent of anthropogenic climate change would be considerably higher.
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Das deutsche Forschungsschiff Polarstern während einer Eisstation im Weddellmeer.

Polarsternexpedition ANT-XXIX/6; 8. Juni - 12. August 2013; Kapstadt-Punta Arenas
Ziel der Expedition: Ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprogramm in Atmosphäre, Meereis, Ozean und Ökosystem im antarktischen Winter, um die physikalischen und biogeochemischen Eigenschaften und Prozesse während der Wachstumsphase des Meereises besser zu verstehen. Fahrt war die erste antarktische Winterexpedition seit dem Jahr 2006. (Kurs wie im Winterexperiment 1992) 


The German research vessel Polarstern during an ice station in the Weddell Sea.

Polarsternexpedition ANT-XXIX/6; 8. June - 12. August 2013; Cape Town -Punta Arenas (Chile); The aim of the cruise is to carry out an interdisciplinary research programm on atmosphere, sea ice, ocean, and ecosystem during winter to obtain an understanding of physical and biogeochemical properties and processes during the sea ice growth season. It was the first Antarctic winter expedition since the year 2006.
08. March 2019
Press release

Larsen C Ice Shelf Remains a Mystery

A few days ago, the captain and the head of the current Polarstern expedition jointly decided to abandon their efforts to reach the Larsen C Ice Shelf. Since dense sea ice and ice ridges blocked the planned route, the ship has now set course for alternative research sites further to the north.
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