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19. March 2009
Press release

Cause of mussel poisoning identified

The origin of the neurotoxin azaspiracid has finally been identified after a search for more than a decade. The azaspiracid toxin group can cause severe poisoning in human consumers of mussels after being enriched in the shellfish tissues. The scientific periodical European Journal of Phycology reports in its current issue (Vol. 44/1: p. 63-79) that a tiny algal species, the dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum, is responsible. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association have isolated and…
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18. March 2009
Press release

Western Antarctic was ice-free during interglacials - Geological data signal dynamic developments of the ice shield three to five million years ago

The ice cap of the Western Antarctic has apparently deglaciated completely many times three to five million years ago. The periodical nature reports in its current issue (vol. 458) that these regular deglaciation phases have been caused by changes in the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis in times of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. This is the result of a sediment core drilled under German participation below the Antarctic Ross ice shelf in the framework of the international drilling project ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing).
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27. February 2009
Press release

The end of the International Polar Year 2007/2008: Scientists from all over Germany draw a positive conclusion

The International Polar Year 2007/2008 nears its end. Today, about 120 people celebrate two years of intense and internationally coordinated scientific campaigns in earth’s two Polar Regions in the Klimahaus Bremerhaven. During the German closing event of the International Polar Year 2007/2008, they did not only look back upon new insights and successful German contributions. The researchers from all over Germany emphasized the future importance of Polar research.
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20. February 2009
Press release

The Federal Minister of Education and Research inaugurates new German Antarctic station - Neumayer Station III starts scientific operation

The Federal Minister for Education and Research, Dr Annette Schavan, inaugurated Neumayer Station III today at noontime. The new German research facility thereby starts its scientific operation. It is located 6.5 km south of the old Neumayer Station on the Ekström ice shelf in Dronning Maud Land in the Antarctic. The station serves as a base for scientific observatories as well as logistic centre for inland expeditions and polar aircraft.
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26. January 2009
Press release

Polarstern expedition “LOHAFEX” can be conducted

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association can conduct the ongoing Polarstern expedition „LOHAFEX”. Independent scientific and legal reviews sought by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety concluded that the iron fertilisation experiment LOHAFEX is neither against environmental standards nor the international law in force. There are thus no ecological and legal reasons to further suspend the iron fertilisation…
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15. January 2009
Press release

Outer shell of the Neuymayer Station III completely assembled

The new German research base Neumayer Station III can be seen in its final form for the very first time. A new milestone in the construction of the station is reached after the successful completion of the outer shell. The Shell protects the upper two floors - which are comprised of container modules - from exterior weather conditions.
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13. January 2009
Press release

LOHAFEX: An Indo-German iron fertilization experiment - What are the effects on the ecology and carbon uptake potential of the Southern Ocean?

The German research vessel Polarstern is currently on its way to the Southwest Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. The team of 48 scientists (30 from India) on board left Cape Town on 7th January to carry out the Indo-German iron fertilization experiment LOHAFEX (LOHA is Hindi for iron, FEX stands for Fertilization EXperiment).
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03. December 2008
Press release

Technical Design of the new European Research Icebreaker „Aurora Borealis“ finished

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and the engineering company Wärtsilä Ship Design Germany presented the technical design of the European Research Icebreaker „Aurora Borealis“ in Berlin. As a combination of a heavy icebreaker, a scientific drilling ship and a multi-purpose research platform it is planned to operate year-round in all polar waters.
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30. October 2008
Press release

Polarstern starts Antarctic Season

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30. October 2008
Press release

In which way does climate change affect the complex interaction in ecosystems? - A perspective for a network of ecological and physiological research

Changes to marine ecosystems caused by climatic conditions show how closely physiological and ecological processes are intertwined. This is described by Prof. Dr. Hans-Otto Pörtner, physiological ecologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association, in the current issue of the periodical Science.
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