
Zhiyong Xie, want to trace the distribution and transport of pollutants by air over the Atlantic Ocean using high-volume air samplers: The devices suck the air with the help of a pump through a filter [...] time to bring our beloved lady back to her home port of Bremerhaven in order to prepare her for the Arctic season: The crew and scientists were exchanged in Punta Arenas, Chile. While we, the participants

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With geophysics and geology towards 83°05’N – the northernmost position of our expedition

(17/18 Sep 18). A new week begins - fog, calm sea, ice free. Nothing reminds us that we are in the Arctic Ocean (but this may change soon when are steaming northwards end of this week!).

Which types of jellyfish are there in the Arctic Ocean today – and which will still be there tomorrow?

research group, which will use cutting-edge technologies to create a jellyfish inventory for the Arctic Ocean. The group will receive financial support from the Helmholtz Association and the Alfred Wegener


Delta, arctic Siberia, Palaeogeogr. Palaeocli- matol. Palaeoecol., 299, 175–196, 2011. Schneider, J., Grosse, G., and Wagner, D.: Land cover classification of tundra environments in the Arctic Lena Delta [...] Maslanik, J., Guest, P., Stern, H., Moore, J., Turenne, R., et al.TS6 : Surface heat budget of the Arctic Ocean, B. Am. Meteor. Soc., 83, 255– 275, 2002. Vionnet, V., Brun, E., Morin, S., Boone, A., Faroux [...] River delta At its mouth in the Laptev Sea, the Lena River forms one of the largest deltas in the Arctic, covering around 25 000 km2. Continuous cold permafrost with a mean annual near-surface ground t

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depleted layers in the Arctic and Antarctic, some Antartica the Arctic is proned to massive intru- sions of anthropogenic emissions during polardistinct differences were revealed: In the Arctic the ozone depleted [...] air masses were transported across the marine, ice-covered regions of the central Arctic and the South Atlantic Ocean. These comparable observations in both polar regions suggest a similar ozone destruction [...] 1988;It has been found that the Arctic spring is Oltmans et al., 1989). This phenomenon could becharacterised by a pronounced variability of sur- observed at several Arctic sites like Barrow, Alaskaface

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which are of course much larger in case of the strong temperature differences between air and open ocean during late winter. 3) Less obvious is the cloud impact on the turbulent fluxes. Our first analysis [...] warm air advection. Unfortunately, for such interesting cases, which might have a large impact on Arctic climate change, Svalbard is not an ideal basis because of the local weather with often low cloud

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Week 7: In the deep Arctic Ocean

progress into the north significantly. During our journey in the thick ice across the deepening Arctic Ocean, wildlife became scarcer and scarcer. Patches of Melosira arctica were only spotted rarely.

Week 6: From East Svalbard towards the deep Arctic Ocean

started in the marginal sea ice zone east of Svalbard, and then set course north into the central Arctic Ocean.The marginal sea ice zone was mostly covered with decaying sea ice and some larger ice-free areas


interests: Ocean circulation; hydrographic properties of the Arctic Ocean; extensive experience in leading large Arctic Ocean expeditions and in conducting measurements of physical parameters of the ocean with [...] the Arctic Ocean warming? If so − why? How to tackle heat and fresh water budgets? Role of bottom boundary processes; role of hydrothermal vents for the Arctic Ocean; exchange between Arctic Ocean and [...] Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 29 Di Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 30 Mi Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 31 Do Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management

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interests: Ocean circulation; hydrographic properties of the Arctic Ocean; extensive experience in leading large Arctic Ocean expeditions and in conducting measurements of physical parameters of the ocean with [...] the Arctic Ocean warming? If so − why? How to tackle heat and fresh water budgets? Role of bottom boundary processes; role of hydrothermal vents for the Arctic Ocean; exchange between Arctic Ocean and [...] Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 29 Di Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 30 Mi Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management Dr. Greg Reed Sylt 31 Do Januar 2019 Ocean Data Management

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