Bernhard Diekmann

Europe: Bernhard Diekmann Find out more > Dialogue & Lectures Lectures | 15.07.2018 Arctic Environments in Change Ecologic Arctic Summer College Policy advice [...] glance back in time shows: the face of our planet was not only dictated by the coming and going of oceans and mountains, or the wandering of continents; it was also constantly shaped by natural climate change [...] live in a world characterised by perpetual ice in the Antarctic, and fluctuating ice extents in the Arctic, North America and Europe. The North German landscape is a legacy of the last glacial 20,000 years


the 2000s, the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) began measuring Δ 14C-CO2 on flask samples from the Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [...] CO2 with the atmosphere, namely the ocean and the terrestrial biosphere. According to Levin et al. (2010: Figure 7) the largest net uptake of bomb 14C by the world oceans occurred in the 1970s and was about [...] northern latitudes such as at Alert in the Arctic (82.45°N, 62.52°W, 185 m asl) Figure 3 a: Long-term trend ofΔ14C-CO2 at the two polar stations Alert (Arctic) and Neumayer (Antarctica) (Levin and Hammer

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(MAMM, Arctic methane, Southern methane) and the European Union (InGOS, Geomon, IMECC, Meth‐MonitEUr, etc.) over the past 20 years; and also by the MOCA (Methane emissions from the Arctic Ocean) and SOCA [...] Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, CO, USA, 4Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA [...] (SPO). NOAA = National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; NILU=Norwegian Institute for Air Research; RHUL= Royal Holloway, University of London; INSTAAR= Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research; UHEI

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Micro- and nanoplastic from the atmosphere is polluting the ocean

, e.g. in water bodies, the soil and the air. Via ocean currents and rivers, the tiny plastic particles can even reach the Arctic, Antarctic or ocean depths. A new overview study has now shown that wind [...] the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel – describes how microplastic finds its way into the atmosphere and how it is subsequently


N. and Dommergue, A. (2018): Atmospheric Transport Pathways to Antarctica and the Remote Southern Ocean using Radon-222, Frontiers in Earth Science, 6. doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00190 Weller, R., Legrand [...] Schrems, O. (1998): Tropospheric ozone depletion in polar regions - A comparison of observations in the Arctic and Antarctic, Tellus, Vol. 50B, pp. 34-50,

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N. and Dommergue, A. (2018): Atmospheric Transport Pathways to Antarctica and the Remote Southern Ocean using Radon-222, Frontiers in Earth Science, 6. doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00190 Weller, R., Legrand [...] Schrems, O. (1998): Tropospheric ozone depletion in polar regions - A comparison of observations in the Arctic and Antarctic, Tellus, Vol. 50B, pp. 34-50,

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Permafrost Change

of a permafrost landscape How do you imagine an Arctic landscape characterized by permafrost? The answer is visualized by a 3-dimensional print of an Arctic landscape in Northeast Siberia, the Bykovsky Peninsula [...] ‘before-and-after’ lenticular images, together with video and audio recordings from expeditions to the Arctic, will help illustrate the thawing of the permafrost, and the fieldwork involved in investigating [...] ice melts on slopes. As a result, sediments and plant remains are transported into rivers and the ocean, thereby changing the biochemistry of the water. The data were collected by Gonçalo Vieira und Pedro


better understand and quantify the role of clouds in the lower Arctic atmosphere. A special focus is on the amplified climate change in the Arctic. To that aim measurements during ACLOUD and AFLUX were/are [...] Airborne Observations In, Below and Above Arctic Clouds Map of the areas for aircraft operation illustration the coordination activities at Polarstern and Ny Alesund (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) ACLOUD [...] research institutes (listed below) embedded in the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre TR 172: ArctiC Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms (AC)³


already impacting the modern ocean. To recognize changes and predict the future ocean, ocean color (OC) remote sensing aims at quantifying and monitoring optically active oceanic constituents such as phytoplankton [...] 2.2 Ocean color remote sensing 2.2 Ocean color remote sensing Ocean color (OC) remote sensing (Mobley, 1994; Mobley et al., 2021) refers to the dis- cipline that infers information on the ocean from optical [...] c CO2 was taken up by the ocean (Friedlingstein et al., 2019). As a consequence, the ocean is warming, sea levels are rising, sea ice concentrations are declining, and ocean acidity is enhancing (IPCC

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sharing their abundant knowledge with us. © Johannes Kühl Bucket Data - high data rate even in the Arctic 26. May 2022 In Las Palmas, Sebastian and Maximilian from the Data Logistics Support (DLS) team also [...] “buckets” that can be filled with data on board and on shore similar to a dropbox. Especially in the Arctic, where bandwidth is scarce, this service allows the transfer of several gigabytes per day. © Max [...] and identify geological structures in the uppermost layers of the sediments at the bottom of the ocean. But the entrance to this world of marine science consisted mainly of: waiting. Waiting in self-isolation

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