
Antarctic food web in the global ocean, our project has a large societal relevance enabling us to predict the consequences of global warming for the Southern Polar Ocean. Participants Prof. Dr. Bettina [...] in a warming Southern Ocean (PEKRIS II) Project description Antarctic krill ( Euphausia superba ) is a key structural element for the functional biodiversity of the Southern Ocean ecosystem and an important [...] effects of climate changes on the ecosystem of the Southern Ocean and support a more adaptive risk assessment of the krill fishery in the Southern Ocean. Participants Prof. Dr. Bettina Meyer (AWI/ICBM) (Principal

Nicole Biebow

The polar regions are a key driving force for the Earth's climate and oceans. With the Alfred Wegener Institute's research in the Arctic and Antarctic, we contribute to the understanding of the global climate [...] relating to the Arctic and Antarctic and is designated by the European Union as a central element of its joint polar research strategy. Another important EU project is ARICE, the Arctic Research Icebreaker [...] Icebreaker Consortium. Within its framework, international coordination of ship-based research in the Arctic is being expanded. ARICE will also give scientists from different countries access to a number of

Annual sea ice minimum in the Arctic

Arctic Ocean
The sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean reached its annual minimum of 4.81 million square kilometres on 12 September 2021. As such, the 2021 Arctic sea-ice minimum comes in at 12th place


Tromsö Chief Scientist: R. Stein Cruise report Programme Weekly reports Data PS87 | ARK-XXVIII/4 | Arctic Ocean, Central Basin Start: 2014-08-05, Tromsö End: 2014-10-08, Bremerhaven Chief Scientist: R. Stein [...] Chief Scientist: R. Gersonde Cruise report Programme Weekly reports Data PS72 | ARK-XXIII/3 | Arctic Ocean Start: 2008-08-12, Reykjavik End: 2008-10-17, Bremerhaven Chief Scientist: W. Jokat Cruise report

Passive Acoustic Monitoring - AWI OZA

Maps of the Arctic and Antarctic with underwater sound recording sites occupied by the AWI Ocean Acoustics group since 2006. PALAOA (PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean) Between 2006 [...] in the Antarctic Ocean, or “whale” in Hawaiian. attached, since 2008, to deep-sea mooring of the oceanographic Hybrid Antarctic Float Observatory (HAFOS) and the Frontiers in Arctic Marine Science (FRAM) [...] seals, fish and invertebrates between Spitsbergen and Greenland. Further moorings in the adjacent Arctic Ocean extend this array slightly to the North. MAP of FRAM moorings hosting PAM recorders an AZFPs.

Karen Wiltshire

Wiltshire, Scientists for Future Find out more > Allinfo | 27.06.2019 Climate research in the ocean: Wild ocean and warm water Find out more > Dialogue & Lectures Policy advice Waddensea Strategy for Climate [...] lstein Scientific advisor Ocean Future G7 Scientific Advisor (2015-2018) Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Plankton Change Group member (since 2017) World Ocean Assessment Report United Nations [...] at the centre of the action. Coastal waters and its tidal interfaces are the cradle of life in the ocean: microalgae and seagrasses not only find ample nutrients to form underwater meadows and forests. In

Further Projects

Observing System ( ArcticROOS ) working with ocean observation and modelling systems for the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas has been established within the EuroGOOS initiative. ArcticROOS will promote, develop [...] only open-ocean LTER site. LTER-D is a member in the international LTER umbrella organisation ILTER and in the European regional network LTER-Europe. Contact: T. Soltwedel ArcticROOS (Arctic Regional Ocean [...] Ocean Observing System) Project within the GOOS/EuroGOOS initiative Since 2006 Coordinator: Stein Sandven, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Norway An Arctic Regional Ocean Observing

Current research

climate state. doi: 10.1038/NGEO2974 . How the Arctic Ocean became saline FS Heincke in Spitsbergen (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) [06 June 2017] The Arctic Ocean was once a gigantic freshwater lake. Only [...] Atlantic-Arctic Ocean circulation controlled by the subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Nature Communications. doi: 10.1038/NCOMMS15681 . 2016 Intensification and poleward shift of oceanic boundary [...] present the ocean surface net heat flux. Positive values mean that the ocean release heat to the atmosphere, and [28 June 2016] Global warming results in fundamental changes to important ocean currents.

Automatic Weather Stations

(AWS) In addition to the long-term measurements in Antarctica, ( Neumayer_III ), in the Arctic (AWIPEV ) and on the oceans ( Polarstern ) automatic weather stations (AWS) are in use. The numbers of the AWS-systems


Experiment (D-ICE): A Study of Broadband Radiometric Measurements under Icing Conditions in the Arctic’. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14, no. 2 (16 February 2021): 1205–24. [...] Regimes at Neumayer Station, Antarctica’. Preprint. Boundary-layer dynamics incl. coupling to land, ocean and ice, 10 May 2021. . Starke, Allan R., Leonardo F.L. Lemos [...] and Zhanhai Zhang. ‘Impact of Assimilation of Radiosonde and UAV Observations from the Southern Ocean in the Polar WRF Model’. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 37, no. 5 (May 2020): 441–54. doi