ut) The Arctic boundary has been observed over many years to better understand and monitor the exchanges between the Arctic Ocean and its neighboring oceans. The unique geometry of the Arctic—surrounded [...] the Arctic Ocean with hydrographic observation lines (Figure 1). A method to treat the Arctic as a single box bounded by hydrographic lines and land has been developed recent years. This pan-Arctic approach [...] monitor the major oceanic heat and FW exchanges between the Arctic Ocean and surrounding Oceans? (2) Where is the most efficient place to add additional instruments to increase the accuracy of measurements?

Physikalische Ozeanographie des arktischen Ozeans

closes the cyclonic circulation through the Arctic Mediterranean. A particular feature of the Arctic Ocean is the enormous freshwater surplus. The upper Arctic Ocean receives freshwater from the Pacific inflow [...] intermediate and deep layers of the Arctic Ocean, thereby forming the Arctic contribution to the dense waters of the Greenland-Shetland-Overflow. To study the Arctic shelf processes, exemplified in the [...] the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas The Norwegian Atlantic Current is the extension of the North Atlantic Current in the Nordic Seas and transports warm waters from the mid-latitudes to the Arctic Ocean

Technology and Logistics

backbone of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is the Argo system, which uses an array of >3000 profiling floats (Figure 2). Until recently, Argo was restricted to ice free oceanic regions, as the floats [...] Technology and Logistics [Translate to English:] Observations of the ocean’s temperature and salinity at different locations and depths – key parameters to assess its state - depended until recently on [...] on ship-based expeditions and deep-sea moorings, limiting our ability to monitor oceanic change at adequate resolution and over necessary periods in time and space. However, with the turn of the century


Since the early 20th century hydrographic measurements have been carried out in the Arctic Ocean. Although today the Arctic is a hotspot of climate change, data sampling is still sparse due to the large sea [...] climate studies in the Arctic Ocean. Many of the collected data are publicly available, but scattered across different electronic archives. Consequently, scientists working on Arctic climate change have to [...] The „Unified Database for Arctic and Subarctic Hydrography“ (UDASH) is an attempt to gather all publicly available temperature and salinity data for the Arctic Ocean and to provide them on a high quality


Changes in the circulation freshwater between Arctic Ocean and subpolar North Atlantic In RACE we study the variability of the freshwater storage in the Arctic Ocean and the subpolar North Atlantic. We use [...] observations and model simulations of the ocean and the sea ice to understand the underlying processes. Here you find the project website . Contact: Dr. Benjamin Rabe (Phys. Oceanography) Prof. Dr. Rüdiger

Fram Strait

current long-term observations Atlantic Water is the main oceanic source of heat, salt, and nutrients of the Arctic Ocean. It enters the Arctic Ocean through the Barents Sea or Fram Strait. In the eastern [...] recirculates to the western Fram Strait on timescales of several months while the rest enters the Arctic Ocean and follows a cyclonic circulation for years to decades. The AWI long-term observations in Fram [...] around 4°C since. Two anomalous warm events occurred in fall 2006 and in late winter 2012. In the deep ocean, it was also observed that the two water masses present there (the warmer Eurasian Basin Deep Water


parameters in the ice-covered, central Arctic Ocean. The concurrent recording of physical, biological and biogeochemical measurements in the atmosphere, sea-ice and ocean for time periods of several months [...] observatory (Graphic: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) The properties of the atmosphere, sea-ice and the polar oceans, and feedbacks between these domains play an important role in global climate. At the same time, [...] by other means. Contact Dr. Mario Hoppmann Dr. Marcel Nicolaus Dr. Benjamin Rabe Deployment of an ocean profilers in the sea-ice (Photo: Alfred-Wegener-Institut)

Central Arctic

from the Arctic reservoir. Long-term observations in the Arctic Ocean by a multitude of observational platforms allow estimates of annual mean liquid freshwater content in the upper Arctic basins (Figure) [...] Central Arctic long-term observations Anomalies of annual mean liquid freshwater content in the upper Arctic Ocean basin from salinity profile observations since 1992. Liquid freshwater is calculated relative [...] km3/yr for the whole tim The central Arctic is an important component of the global climate system, not only by atmospheric teleconnections but also by links in ocean circulation to lower latitudes. There

Long Term Observations

Find out more The Arctic is an environment where global climate change is strongly manifested. The Arctic Amplification, represented by the atmospheric warming trend in the Arctic being about three times that [...] Physical Oceanography The oceans are key elements of the global climate system, not at last due to their ability to extract and store heat and CO2 from the atmosphere. Polar oceans are of particular Find


variability in subpolar and polar oceans. The understanding of natural fluctuations is the prerequisite to diagnose anthropogenic change in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Arctic Ocean Dataset MIDO MOSAiC FISP FRAM