Tiny algae, hugely resilient

of climate change, affect the microalgae of the Arctic Ocean. This includes the rise of the water temperature as well as the acidification of the oceans and changed light conditions in the water due to [...] important source of food in the oceans. Dr Clara Hoppe of the Alfred Wegener Institute examines how changed living conditions as a result of climate change affect Arctic microalgae. AWI biologist Dr Clara [...] Clara Hoppe has always had a plan B in place for her Arctic expeditions. “Three years ago, when I started to work in the Arctic, everyone told me to think carefully about what I should do in case the Ko

Infograph sea ice research

an ice floe When will the Arctic ocean be ice free? Why did the sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean grow during the last years? And how is marine life changing, when the Arctic sea ice is getting thinner [...] thickness with the so-called EM-Bird or the Ground-EM, researchers take advantage of the fact that ocean water has a much higher conductivity than sea ice. Therefore both devices are able to measure the [...] reference measurements. Under ice sonar An acoustic transmitter and receiver unit is moored to the ocean floor to measure its distance to the sea ice. A changing distance indicates changes of the sea ice

Arctic plankton ecology and related sedimentary flux

part of projects such as FRAM, LTER HAUSGARTEN, PEBCAO in different regions of the Arctic Ocean. The main goal of our arctic research is to understand and follow seasonal and interannual fluctuations of particle [...] , Angelina Kraft, Gordon Lax, Eva-Maria Nöthig Research The Arctcic Ocean reacts more sensitive to Gloabal Change than other oceans. Sea ice strongly decraeses, temperatures rise at least twice as much [...] months. While in FRAM strait and on the arctic shelves, a relatively high proportion of biomass was being observed, the proportion of biomass in central Arctic, sea ice covered waters is relatively low

Locations and Facilities

(Photo: Alfred Wegener Institut) The research vessel Polarstern operates in the southern and arctic ocean. As an icebreaker RV Polarstern enables to enter ice covered polar areas and to conduct diving [...] research village (Kongsfjorden - West Spitsbergen). (Photo: Max Schwanitz) The northernmost permanent arctic research station of the AWI (AWIPEV Station - till 2005 Koldewey-Station) is located in the small [...] offers a wide range of muddy, sandy and rocky habitats with a wide variety of endemic underwater Arctic flora and fauna. The AWIPEV dive base is operated for about 6 month per year upon request by scientific

In every nook and cranny - litter in the ocean depths

AWI researcher Melanie Bergmann has now analysed in detail the level of pollution on the ocean floor of the Arctic. The results are disquieting. When AWI marine biologist Melanie Bergmann is out at sea, [...] displays a new photo, a snapshot from the depths, a new glimpse of the Arctic seafloor. The photos are produced by the OFOS (Ocean Floor Observation System) – a heavy steel frame that the ship slowly tows [...] It may be transported to the Arctic from the more populated North Atlantic; or it could be from the ships that are now venturing farther and farther northwards as the Arctic’s sea-ice cover recedes. “Unlike

Tracking down microplastic

microplastic Our oceans are not only home to large pieces of plastic, but also minute plastic particles. Today researchers know that this microplastic can be found in all regions, and even in arctic sea ice. AWI [...] masses of microplastic accumulating in the ocean might promote the spread of diseases.” The long-term consequences of the growing amount of microplastic in our ocean also interest Gerdts’ colleague Lars Gutow [...] conditions,” Gerdts adds. Discover more Litter in the Ocean Depths Interview with Lars Gutow 10 Questions, 10 Answers Infographic: Pathways of litter into the ocean Using Expertise to Combat Marine Litter Online

Question 4

deepest points on the ocean floor. Most likely, tides are responsible for transporting the plastic so far down. Plastic litter has even been found in remote regions like the Arctic. To date we still don’t [...] Which types of plastic litter are there in the ocean? Question 2: Where does the plastic waste come from? Question 3: How much plastic litter is there in the ocean? Question 5: What are garbage patches? Question [...] Melanie Bergmann/OFOS) Researchers have determined that the amount of plastic litter floating on the ocean’s surface is considerably smaller than the total amount of marine anthropogenic plastic. Based on litter


project is to build an efficient integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. Contact: T. Soltwedel, C. Hasemann, I [...] European open ocean fixed point observatories and to improve access to these key installations for the broader community. These will provide multidisciplinary observations in all parts of the oceans from the [...] Purser SenseOcean (Marine sensors for the 21st Century) EU funded FP7 project Duration: 01.10.2013 - 30.09.2017 Coordinator: Denise Martin, Natural Environment Research Council, UK SenseOCEAN brings together


FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring) HGF infrastructur programme Duration: 01.08.2014 - 31.07.2021 Coordination: Antje Boetius, AWI, Bremerhaven The FRAM Ocean Observing System will be installed [...] installed in the gateway between the North Atlantic and the Central Arctic, representing a highly climate-sensitive and rapidly changing region of the Earth system. FRAM will implement existing and next-generation [...] next-generation sensors and observatory platforms, allowing synchronous observation of relevant ocean variables, as well as the study of physical, chemical and biological processes in the water column and at the

BMBF Projects

-Project are: to assess the influence of sea-ice and ocean dynamics in the Laptev Sea on the transpolar drift; to investigate changes in the arctic halocline, water mass formation, and transport mechanisms [...] the atmosphere - sea-ice - ocean system; to study the history of the transpolar system. Contact: T. Soltwedel, J. Hölemann, R. Stein BIOACID III (Biological Impacts of Ocean ACIDification) Project funded [...] Riebesell, GEOMAR, Germany The overarching questions of BIOACID -Project are: What are the effects of ocean acidification on marine organisms and their habitats? What are the underlying mechanisms of responses