Research Focus

the Arctic Ocean to the other oceans? Development of the North Atlantic Deepwater and its precursors What do we know about the development of North Atlantic Deepwater and its precursors? Follow this link [...] observations follow this link to the research at our observatories Compilations of bathymetric data Madiba Sea Mount, south of South Africa, discovered 2013 with RV Polarstern (Graphic: Alfred Wegener Institut)


where from 1986 to 1989, he completed his doctoral dissertation on the molluscan fauna of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. During this time and in the following two years as post-doc at AWI, he took part in five [...] expeditions, both land-based and ship-based. He describes the total of 14 months he spent in the Weddell Sea and at the British Antarctic Survey research station Signy as the best time of his life. From 1992 [...] Deputy Secretary of the international Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment in the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) in London. After a short period as an expert for the European Commission, he

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Centre for Polar and Marine Research’s Wadden Sea Station on Sylt, where he heads the Working Group Community and Evolutionary Ecology and the AWI’s North Sea Office. Born in Bad Harzburg in 1968, he grew [...] thesis on species interactions on the North Sea coast. From 1998 to 2001, he pursued his doctorate on diversity and biological interactions on mussel banks in the Wadden Sea at Universität Hamburg. The close [...] cooperation between science and environmental management led to the establishment of the AWI’s North Sea Office in 2011 and the ongoing development and implementation of various environmental research

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of Greenland Sea only (Fram Strait). The western, sea ice-dominated, part of Fram Strait proved to have short, late (middle May) and time varying phytoplankton blooms. At the marginal sea ice zone of the [...] production values increased in the north-eastern open ocean area of the Greenland Sea, on about 120 mgC/m2 per day for the thirteen years of observations. The Greenland Sea primary production estimates we [...] production of the Greenland Sea and the carbon stored in sediments. Related publications: Cherkasheva, A. (2014) Greenland Sea primary production with respect to changes in sea ice cover . PhD thesis, Department

The southern ocean - circulation

rotating gyres of the Ross and Weddell Seas. Heat losses to the atmosphere, interactions with the adjacent ice shelves, and salt enrichment by brine ejected from freezing sea ice result in very dense water masses [...] mean wind field. The deep water masses upwelling in the Antarctic Divergence, sucked in from their North Atlantic source regions, are partly driven northward near the surface towards the northern flank of [...] masses which run down the continental slope towards the deep sea floor. The newly formed and well ventilated bottom water underrides, steered by bottom topography, the ACC to fill the deep basins of the


Ocean and its neighboring oceans. The unique geometry of the Arctic—surrounded by the land masses of North America, Greenland and Siberia—has encouraged researchers to make a joint effort to enclose the Arctic [...] calculated to better understand the Arctic Ocean’s role on the carbonate system. Figure 2: Net oceanic and sea ice FW transport (m3s-1) time series. The transport estimate during 2004-2010 will be quantified under [...] Fram Strait, respectively; the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen, Norway for the Barents Sea Opening (BSO); and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) in the US and Arctic and Antarctic Research

Physikalische Ozeanographie des arktischen Ozeans

Circulation in the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas The Norwegian Atlantic Current is the extension of the North Atlantic Current in the Nordic Seas and transports warm waters from the mid-latitudes to [...] exported to the sub-polar North Atlantic. One part of the export occurs with the East Greenland Current, which episodically leaks freshwater into the interior Greenland and Icelandic seas, where it may impact [...] unknown consequences for the meridional overturning circulation and the regional sea level distribution. Advection of warming North Atlantic water to Greenland’s marine outlet glaciers may enhance glacial melt


Although today the Arctic is a hotspot of climate change, data sampling is still sparse due to the large sea ice cover. Yet both the historical and the modern observational data are important for long-term climate [...] database contains almost 290.000 quality checked oceanographic profiles for the Arctic Mediterranean north of 65°N in the time period 1980-2015. It thus represents a unique tool to study long-term changes


subpolar North Atlantic In RACE we study the variability of the freshwater storage in the Arctic Ocean and the subpolar North Atlantic. We use observations and model simulations of the ocean and the sea ice [...] (Phys. Oceanography) Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Gerdes (Sea Ice Physics) Prof. Dr. Ursula Schauer (Phys. Oceanography) Myriel Horn (Phys. Oceanography) Tamas Kovacs (Sea Ice Physics)


temperatures for multiple years along the Greenwich meridian from North (left) to South (right). Vertical extent from the sea surface (top) to the sea floor (white). Fig. 8: Ocean temperatures near the ocean bottom [...] rn-most extent of the Weddell Gyre, where at least some of the AABW is believed to escape to the North. Along with (electronic) CTD measurements, water samples are collected throughout the water column [...] and carbon constituents. Measurements of Total CO 2 in the Surface and Bottom Waters of the Weddell Sea, reveal a steady CO 2 increase, of likely anthropogenic origin, as surface water, charged with ant