Deep Sea

deep-sea focus has been on the Arctic. In 1999, the institute established a long-term observatory in Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. Today, the HAUSGARTEN observatory consists of 21 monitoring [...] temperatures are provoking rapid responses in the deep-sea ecosystem. This can already be seen in Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland, where the composition of the phytoplankton has changed. Whereas [...] As such, it’s quite possible that climate change will reduce diversity in the biotic communities of Fram Strait. To FAQ element How will it affect the Arctic deep sea when the sea ice continues to melt?

Occurrence of blue and fin whales in the Arctic

The long-term analysis of blue whale and fin whale vocalisations in the eastern Fram Strait offers valuable insights into seasonal and annual patterns regarding these species’ occurrence in the region

Molecular Biodiversity of Eukaryotic Microbes

web (Graphic: Katja Metfies) Head of working group Dr. Katja Metfies HIFMB Cooperations HIFMB PEBCAO FRAM PrimePrevention MareExtreme Obama_Next Scientific approach Technology Projects Team

Ocean biogeochemical modelling

Surface chloropyll a concentration in an eddy-resolving simulation (1 km horizontal resolution) in the Fram Strait ( Schourup-Kristensen et al. 2021 ) Research Media echoes Members Publications Methods Projects


Wegener Institute established the LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) observatory HAUSGARTEN in the Fram Strait. HAUSGARTEN observatory displays 21 permanent stations covering a water depth range of 250 [...] HAUSGARTEN observatory is successively extended within the frame of the HGF infrastructure project FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring). Contact: T. Soltwedel, M. Bergmann, C. Hasemann , E.-M. Nöthig

Research infrastructure

Isotope Facility Potsdam Stable Isotope Facility Bremerhaven Nutrient Facility Observatories Ocean: FRAM Water: COSYNA Meteorology Geophysics Ships Polarstern Heincke Uthörn Mya II Aade Stations Neumayer


Steinhöfel-Sasgen, Grit Postdoc Terbrüggen, Anja Engineer Torres Valdes, Sinhue Senior Scientist, "FRAM" Völker, Christoph Senior Scientist Wuttig, Kathrin Postdoc Wollenburg, Jutta Senior Scientist Ye


changing Arctic Ocean – Overview of long-term summer measurements in the Fram Strait Variability of chlorophyll a distribution in the Fram Strait, Greenland Sea and Central Arctic Ocean. Polar Research34: 23349 [...] Summertime in situ chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon standing stocks in surface waters of the Fram Strait and the Arctic Ocean (1991 – 2015). Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 350. doi: 10.3389/fmars [...] Salter I., Nöthig E.-M. (2018) Inter-annual variability of organic carbon concentrations across the Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean) during summer 2009 -2017. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 187. DOI: 10.3389/fmars


D) following the region definitions mapped in Fig. 4.1 for western Fram Strait (W Fram, 10.8k data points), eastern Fram Strait (E Fram, 10.5k), Barents Sea (67.0k), Kara Sea (39.9k), Laptev Sea (21.2k) [...] Ocean and Fram Strait. In May 2017, the eastern Fram Strait is already ice-free (Fig. 4.4 panel A). A phytoplankton bloom forms in the northern Atlantic and in 4.3. RESULTS 31 the MIZ in the Fram Strait, [...] regional differences as, e.g., in the western Fram Strait, the trends seem to be shaped by the sea ice retreat and light availabil- ity, whereas in the eastern Fram Strait, nutrient availability and remine

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Referenced at:


L. , Bretagnon M., Bracher A. , 2022. Phytoplankton functional types observation from space in the Fram Strait (2002-2020). ESA Ocean Carbon from Space Workshop, Online event, 14 – 18 February 2022. Poster