
the Helmholtz Association-sponsored infrastructure project “FRontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring” (FRAM). The sediments collected by the expedition team from the rim of the Lomonosov Ridge date back 30


Under water FRAM COSYNA ACROSS Air Meteorology Earth Geophysics

Ocean: FRAM

Project coordination: Martina Loebl Download FRAM-Broschüre Research und logistics Info for expedition participants Cruise planning Publications FRAM Data from FRAM [...] and biological data in high temporal and spatial resolution. Research Areas Fram Strait and Central Arctic Starting point for FRAM are two AWI long term observatories: the moorings in West Spitsbergen Current [...] its importance for the global ocean circulation the Fram Strait has long since been a focus area of AWI scientists. A treasure of data for everyone FRAM technology provides large amounts of data that will

FRAM-Geraete en

measure biological, chemical, and physical parameters in the upper 100-150 m of the Arctic water column. FRAM Moorings Include several types of sensors to measure physical properties of the water column, like

FRAM Data Integration

FRAM Data Integration A treasure of data for everyone FRAM technology provides large amounts of data. These data are an important basis for scientific studies, are supporting computer simulations of the [...] and nutrient supply processes, such as vertical mixing and eddy transport in Fram Strait. Modelling with data from the Fram-Strait and the Arctic (Graphic: Alfred-Wegener-Institut) [...] the Arctic ecosystem and improve validations of remote sensing products. FRAM data will be made available via the AWI data portal, which is currently being build up. From Space to Earth Cutting edge analytical

Arctic Species in Climate Change

average, though 5,669 metres at its deepest point. Its only deep-sea connection to other oceans lies in Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard. The Arctic Ocean is also characterised by record low temperatures: [...] element Apart from fish, have other newcomers from the south found their way to the Arctic? In fact, Fram Strait between Greenland and Svalbard has become a preferred travel route for new residents of the


Survey Areas BS - Beaufort Sea BaS - Barents Sea CAO - Central Arctic Ocean CS - Chukchi Sea FS - Fram Strait GS - Greenland Sea LaS - Laptev Sea LiS - Lincoln Sea IceBird Impressions IceBird-Impressions

Microbial communities in the deep sea

Bacterioplankton Abundance Is Linked to Distinct Water Masses and Summertime Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics (Fram Strait, 79°N). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12 (658803). Fadeev, E., Salter, I., Schourup-Kristensen [...] Engel, A., Piontek, J., Boetius, A., Bienhold, C. (2018): Microbial Communities in the East and West Fram Strait During Sea Ice Melting Season. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00429 Rapp [...] , Boetius, A., Ramette, A. (2013): Biogeography of benthic bacteria at regional scale in the deep Fram Strait (LTER HAUSGARTEN, Arctic), PLOS One 8:9, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072779 Further Links:

Higher life at the deep seafloor

(2020). Spatial and temporal variation in deep-sea meiofauna at the LTER Observatory HAUSGARTEN in Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean). MDPI - Diversity 12 (7). doi: 10.3390/d12070279 Käß, M., Vedenin, A., Hasemann [...] Hasemann, C., Brandt, A., Soltwedel, T. (2019). Community structure of macrofauna in the deep Fram Strait: A comparison between two bathymetric gradients in ice-covered and ice-free areas. Deep-Sea Research [...] trends in the biomass of three epibenthic invertebrates from the deep-sea observatory HAUSGARTEN (Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean). Marine Ecology-Progress Series 602: 15-29. Grzelak, K., Kotwicki, L., Hasemann

Projects / Cooperations

their habitats. Furthermore, the Deep-Sea Research Group leads the Helmholtz infrastructure project FRAM (Frontiers in Arctic marine Monitoring) and is also partner of the Helmholtz alliance ROBEX (Robotic