The latest findings on the MOSAiC floe

floe: the sea ice in which the research vessel Polarstern is now drifting through the Arctic was formed off the coast of the archipelago, which separates the East Siberian Sea and the Laptev Sea to the north [...] north of Siberia, in December 2018. Sediments, and even small pebbles and bivalves, were incorporated into the ice during the freezing process, which the on-going melting process has brought to light on


patterns of Arctic sea-ice leads Willmes, S., Heinemann, G. 14:45-15:00 Sea ice drift and deformation from SAR data in Russian Arctic seas Demchev, D., Klyachkin, S. 15:00-15:15 Special sea ice ship observations [...] production in the Finite Element Sea-ice Ocean Model (FESOM) Schnaase, F., Kohnemann, S., Heinemann, G. 14:30-14:45 Atmospheric circulation regimes related to sea ice and sea surface temperature changes Handorf [...] 14:45-15:00 Connections between sea-ice conditions in Arctic and blockings in the Northern Hemisphere Timazhev, A.V., Mokhov, I.I. 15:00-15:15 Separating the impact of sea ice and sea surface temperature changes

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long- range transport of sea ice and ice-rafted matter T. Krumpen et al. 11:30-11:40 WP1- Ideas for final phase 11:45-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:20 WP2- AWI-AC: Evaluation of Arctic sea-ice drift and its dependency [...] dependency on near- surface wind and sea-ice concentration and thickness in the coupled regional model HIRHAM-NAOSIM X. Yu et al. 13:25-13:45 WP2-AARI: Shipbased sea ice observations in the Arctic and its [...] 14:30-15:00 Coffee break 15:00-15:20 WP3- AWI-AC: Separating the impact of sea ice and sea surface temperature changes on Arctic climate and its linkages to mid-latitudes R. Jaiser et al. 2 15:25-15:45

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on variations of sea ice along the Northern Sea route Computation of length of navigation season for the Northern Sea route along the Russian coast Retrospective modeling of synoptic sea ice dynamics and [...] (WP3) • Cyclone and wind-wave activities influencing sea ice dynamics and risk of navigation along Northern Sea routes (WP4) • Impact of Arctic sea ice and cyclones on biodiversity and productivity of [...] global feedbacks between atmosphere, sea ice and impacts on ocean circulation systems will be determined. • The role of changed Arctic sea ice conditions for Northern Sea routes will be computed using POLARIS


lishSea.xlsx 12052018_RRs_SalishSea.xlsx Data Pool and Auxiliary User Manual Date: 13-01-2020 Issue: 0.5 For: ESA 13 14052018_RRs_SalishSea.xlsx 22052018_RRs_SalishSea.xlsx 16062018_RRs_SalishSea.xlsx [...] SCIAMACHY ------- SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY SeaWiFS ------------ Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor SIF-marine --------- Sun-induced marine chlorophyll-a [...] Brewin’s et al, (2017) coefficients. UVic Salish Sea observational information is located in the following directory: /isibhv/projects/Phytooptic/S5POC_DATA/Salish_Sea/ The data from survey FOCUS2018 are stored

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The return of the European oyster to the North Sea

Researchers of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, together with the Bremerhaven Zoo have developed a special exhibition on the reintroduction of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) into the North Sea. On display are living European oysters in an aquarium, a detailed model of an oyster reef and its inhabitants as well as background information on the ecological importance of the species in the exhibition.

Swimming in acidic water

the Atlantic cod, is a generalist. It lives both in the North Sea, around Iceland and in the Barents Sea and along the East and North Coast of North America. It tolerates water temperatures between zero [...] temperatures and lower pH values. Let us take the North Sea plaice as an example: plaice is used to the carbon dioxide content changing in the Wadden Sea during the course of the day and the year. It has [...] impact fishing? Ocean warming has led to cod stocks shifting and to them disappearing from the North Sea. In Bremerhaven, for example, cod fishing used to be the main source of income for the city. Nowadays

"Ocean acidification is the evil little brother of global warming"

population from the southern North Sea, i.e. from the warmest range of the species, to a population from the northern Atlantic, from the fjords of Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea. They are two extreme populations [...] and oxygen depletion? Ocean acidification, temperature rise, oxygen depletion and pollution of the seas – these are, of course, all factors that reinforce or weaken one another and jointly have an impact [...] Acidification Summary of the current knowledge on ocean acidification Find out more Changes of the sea water chemistry This dataset has both historic and forecasted model-based changes in the ocean's carbonate

Success story of a resistance fighter

resistance fighter They are small, inconspicuous – and extremely important for the food web in the sea. That’s why biologist Dr Barbara Niehoff at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar [...] A species that primarily lives in the temperate zones, but is transported to the Arctic with the North Atlantic Current. Calanus glacialis A species that lives primarily in Arctic shelf areas. Calanus [...] it really matters: namely the animals in the ocean that feed on copepods – and they include fish, sea birds and whales. If they suddenly had less to eat, we humans would also feel the impact. On the one

Tracing ocean acidification

Arctic Tracing ocean acidification As a result of climate change the Atlantic cod has moved so far north that its juveniles now even can be found in large numbers in the fjords of Spitsbergen. In summer [...] the vacant fish tanks with hundreds of juvenile Atlantic and Polar cod. For this purpose they head north, pass by the port of Tromsø in Norway, and continue further to their destination: Spitsbergen. Here [...] have a suspicion: Due to warming water temperatures the Atlantic cod ventures farther and farther north and is now settling in the Arctic waters of the archipelago – where it encounters the region’s key