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Helmholtz Camp on Sylt

A photo of a big group of children posing in front of tents
[01. August 2023]  Last week, the fourth Helmholtz Children's Holiday Camp took place on Sylt. The camp, which helps to support the compatibility of work and family at AWI, took place for the fourth time this year. 160 children and 27 carers from 13 Helmholtz Centres and the Helmholtz Head Office came together to spend their vacations and to get to know Sylt. They visited the AWI on site, the Erlebniszentrum Naturgewalten and went on mudflat hiking tours together.

Schleswig-Holstein's minister president visiting

Daniel Günther standing at a booth
[24. July 2023]  As part of his summer trip, minister president Daniel Günther visited the Biological Institute Helgoland on Friday, July 21, 2023. After an introduction to research at Helgoland by Dr. Inga Kirstein, Dr. Eva Brodte and other colleagues presented examples from science, science communication and knowledge transfer.

Wladimir Köppen Prize goes to AWI researchers

Dr. Miriam Seifert and Dr. Luisa von Albedyll
[18. July 2023]  Dr. Miriam Seifert and Dr. Luisa von Albedyll have been awarded the 2022 Wladimir Köppen Prize for their dissertations. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and has been awarded by the Cluster of Excellence for Climate Research at the University of Hamburg since 2009. It honors outstanding dissertations by young scientists from German-speaking countries.

Antarctic ice sheet data published

Eisberge in der Antarktis
[18. July 2023]  The publication of a comprehensive dataset on Antarctic bed topography and ice thickness has made a new contribution to the understanding of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Several AWI scientists have contributed to the data release which can be accessed openly through an online portal. More information.

High levels of microplastic pollution

Microplastic particles in sediment sample
[14. July 2023]  Senckenberg researchers Serena Abel, formerly a PhD student at AWI, and Angelika Brandt, together with colleagues from the AWI and the Goethe University Frankfurt, have studied microplastics in the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench. They found between 215 and 1596 microparticles per kg in each of a total of 13 sediment samples from depths of up to 9450 meters - more than previously detected. The study, published in 'Science of The Total Environment', shows that the deep sea is heavily polluted with microplastics and is threatening biodiversity. To the press release
