Lead: Matt Slater
Mail to Matt
(0)471 4831 2727
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Public: bluebioeconomy.eu
Funding by:
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
ERA-Net Program Cofund on the Blue Bioeconomy
Sea stars, Sea urchins and Sea cucumbers are abundant marine biomass resources that are underdeveloped and underutilised. Throughout Europe, these echinoderms are wastefully exploited, disregarded and discarded. Researchers and industry partners in the InEVal project will advance high quality bioeconomic products and services from echinoderm biomass. InEVal addresses societal demand for new solutions to current challenges for human food, aquafeeds and ecosystem services by:
The marine bioeconomy requires new processes and products that originate from innovation along entire value chains. This in turn will create and add value to underutilised available marine bioresources. An extraordinary biomass resource in marine habitats is present in the form of echinoderms, many of which are scarcely utilised in European marine environments and, if so, at zero to low value-addition. The InEVal project approaches diverse value chains related to increasing and adding value to echinoderm biomass to create new products, processes and industries. In doing so the InEVal project aims to explore three echinoderm species, each of which will be developed towards three highly diverse product and service end-points;
A) Diets for aquaculture animals; B) Human food sources; C) Marine bioremediation services
The InEVal project does this together with an optimal consortium of research organisations, higher education institutes, state agencies and established commercial industry partners. Each of these committed partners are key actors along the entire value chain while linking state of the art research with industry and national institutions to promote, develop and implement long-lasting cooperation at a transnational level beyond the InEVal project.
Lead: Matt Slater
Mail to Matt
(0)471 4831 2727
Duration: 2020 – 2023
Public: bluebioeconomy.eu
Funding by:
Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)
ERA-Net Program Cofund on the Blue Bioeconomy
This WP has the following specific objectives:
WP partners: Coastal Research and Management GbR, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Údarás na Gaeltachta Research & Sectoral Development
Lead: AWI
This WP has the following specific objectives:
WP partners: ALGAFRES, S.L., Statsnail AS, University of Cagliari, Urchinomics
Lead: Nofima
This WP has the following specific objectives:
WP partners: Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Marine Institute, University of Cagliari
Lead: GMIT
This WP has the following specific objectives:
WP partners: ALGAFRES, S.L., Coastal Research and Management GbR, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Nofima, University of Cagliari, Urchinomics
Lead: AWI, Údarás na Gaeltachta Research & Sectoral Development
WP partners: All partners
Lead: AWI, Nofima