
  • Antje Boetius gives a speech

    Özdemir visits shipyard for the new Polarstern

    Federal Minister of Research Cem Özdemir visited the thyssenkrupp Marine Systems shipyard in Wismar. There, he was informed about the current state of construction regarding the new research icebreaker Polarstern for the AWI.
  • Die Abbildung zeigt den von hydrothermalen Ablagerungen geprägten Ozeanboden am Polaris-Hydrothermalfeld. Zu sehen sind auch einige kleine Schornsteinstrukturen, die teilweise mit Mikrobenmatten (in blassgelb) bewachsen sind.

    Northernmost hot springs of the earth discovered

    There is a greater variety of hydrothermal systems in the deep sea than previously assumed. On an expedition with the research icebreaker POLARSTERN, researchers discovered the northernmost hydrothermal field on Earth here – only around 300 kilometers from the North Pole. 
  • Blog post

    Morning, hi, howdy, greetings and hello!

    The new overwintering team at Neumayer Station III has arrived and introduces itself.
  • [Translate to English:] EastGRIP-Camp auf Grönland
    AWI in the Media

    Inside an ice stream

    “Science”: Ice cores from 2300 meters’ depth await processing at the East Greenland Ice-core Project, a Danish-led drilling project in northeastern Greenland
  • Ocean gyres influence how oceans absorb and transport heat and carbon from the atmosphere and how nutrients are distributed.

    Ocean responds to changes in the Atlantic conveyor belt

    The increasing global warming as a result of climate change is altering the circulation patterns of the AMOC. Since the last ice age, this change has led to the Atlantic subtropical gyre shifting asynchronously polewards and driving the warming of the Arctic.
  • [Translate to English:] Ice Core Drilling In Greenland

    Ice streams deform due to tiny ice quakes

    Deep inside ice streams, countless tiny icequakes occur, so that ice streams also move with a continuous stick-slip motion. 

Short notices

  •  Climate strike in the Antarctic

    Nationwide climate strike

    14. February 2025

    On February 14, it's “There is no Planet B” all over Germany again. This is because people across the country are taking to the streets in the climate strike to campaign for more climate protection and a sustainable future. Employees at the AWI sites Neumayer Station III in the Antarctic, AWIPEV in the Arctic and the people on Polarstern are also taking part in the climate strike.

  • AWI-Direktorin Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius

    Paris Saclay Summit

    12. February 2025

    AWI Director Antje Boetius will take part in a panel discussion at the “Paris Saclay Summit” on February 12 at 6 pm. The topic: “Can the Arctic still be saved?”. The marine biologist will discuss this topic together with Olivier Poivre d'Arvor, special envoy of the French President for the United Nation Ocean Conference, French Ambassador for the Poles and Oceans. To the livestream.

  • Durch Ufererosion ist die Infrastruktur in Permafrostgebieten bedroht, Mackenzie River Delta (Kanada).

    Social impacts of thawing permafrost

    17. January 2025

    The thawing of permafrost poses various endangerments to the Arctic environment and the livelihoods of people. An international team examined the social risks for Arctic regions and identified five key risks related to infrastructure, transport and supply, water quality, food security and health. Press release of the University of Vienna

  • Methanblasen

    Analysis: Methane emissions from leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines

    16. January 2025

    At the end of September 2022, almost half a million tonnes of methane were released into the atmosphere due to damage to the Nord Stream pipelines. This is the largest amount of the greenhouse gas methane released in a single event. This conclusion comes from analysis by the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Nearly 70 scientists from 30 research organisations collaborated on the analysis, among them a scientist from the Alfred Wegener Institute. More information

  • Microplastic Samples

    ES&T Best Paper Award 2023

    19. December 2024

    The "ES&T Best Paper Award 2023" is a prestigious award presented annually by the journal Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T). The award recognises outstanding scientific papers that make a significant contribution to research in the field of environmental science and technology. This year, a study on plastic pollution, in which Sebastian Primpke from the AWI was involved, was selected as one of the award winners.

  • Group photo of the participants of the KomSO kick-off meeting

    KomSO kick-off meeting

    09. December 2024

    KomSO - a new cooperation under the Federal Environment Ministry's Natural Climate Protection Action Programme (ANK): The kick-off meeting took place from 5 to 6 December 2024 at the HWK in Delmenhorst. The project is funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and coordinated by Sabine Kasten from the AWI. The aim is to investigate the carbon storage capacity of marine sediments in the German Baltic Sea in order to identify areas with particularly high climate protection potential. More information.

Portrait of Angelika Humbert Portrait of Dr. Christian Buschbaum Portrait Detlef Wilde Portrait of Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer Portrait of Prof. Dr. Guido Grosse. Portrait of Dr. Hauke Flores. Portrait of Dr. Ilka Peeken Portrait of Dr. Judith Hauck Portrait of Dr. Melanie Bergmann. Portrait of Dr. Volker Rachold.

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