Application Summer Camp on Djerba in Tunisia

The island of Djerba, a popular vacation destination in Tunisia, is a clear example, where the erosion is particularly pronounced at up to more than 4 m per year. This means that residents and tourists are seeing their beaches shrink from year to year. Seagrass meadows once common in this area, are an important ecosystem in the shallow water of southern Tunisia. This ecosystem is known to dampen wave energy and hence, wave height. 

The camp is designed for a diverse group of young people from Tunisia and Germany to explore the marine ecosystem of Djerba island, with comprehensive training and hands-on experience in seagrass restoration techniques and coastal protection strategies through a combination of lectures, practical sessions, field trips, and cultural activities. 

A team of skilled researchers and communicators will guide you through a week of wonderful encounters with nature and people. The summer camp language is English. Cost for accomadation and meals will be covered, travel expenses are on the participants.

Application deadline: 30.05.2024, 12:00 CEST

preliminary schedule